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Cards and Counters

the Stamp Game

Combination of Quantities & Symbols

Spindle Box

Small Number Rods

Arithmetic is the science of computing using positive real numbers, more specifically, the process of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Little children are naturally attracted to the science of numbers. Mathematics, like language, is the product of the human intellect and the nature of a human being. Mathematics arises from the human mind as it comes into contact with the world and as it contemplates the universe and the factors of time and space. It undergirds the effort of the human to understand the world in which he lives. All humans exhibit this mathematical propensity, even little children. It can therefore be said that humankind has a mathematical mind.
By age four, the child is ready for the language of mathematics. A series of preparations have been made. The child has established internal order, they have developed precise movement, established the work habit, and is able to follow and complete a work cycle. The child has the ability to concentrate and has learned how to follow a process and use symbols.
The mathematical material gives the child his own mathematical experience and to arrive at individual work. There are some teacher-directed activities but these are followed by individual activities. The Exercises in arithmetic are grouped and there is some sequential work and some parallel work. The first group is Numbers through Ten. The experiences in this group are sequential. When the child has a full understanding of numbers through ten, the second group, The Decimal System, can be introduced.
The focus here is on the hierarchy of the decimal system and how the system functions. It also starts the child on the Exercises of simple computations, which are the operations of arithmetic. The third group will be started when the decimal system is well underway. This third group, Counting beyond Ten, includes the teens, the tens, and linear and skip counting.
The fourth group is the memorization of the arithmetic tables. This work can begin while the later work of the decimal system and the counting beyond ten exercises are continued.
The fifth group is the passage to abstraction. The Exercises in this group require the child to understand the process of each form of arithmetic and to know the tables of each operation. There is again an overlap. The children who know the process and tables for addition can begin to do the addition for this group. They may still be working on learning the tables for the other operations and these will not be taken up until they have readiness.
Numbers to Ten
Number Rods
Sandpaper Numerals
Number Rods and Number Cards
Spindle Boxes
Cards and Counters
Memory Game of Numbers
Decimal System
the Introduction to the Golden Beads
Golden Beads - counting Through the Hierarchies
Counting Golden Beads
Introduction to the Large Number Cards
Large Number Cards - Counting Through the Hierarchies
Identifying Large Number Cards
Formation of Large Number Cards with Beads
Combination of Golden Beads and Large Number Cards (Bird's Eye View)
Teens and Tens - Teens
Formation of Quantities 11-19 with ten bars and short bead stair
Formation of Symbols 10 - 90 with teen boards
Combination of Quantities and Symbols to form 11-19
Teens and Tens - Tens
Formation of Quantities 10-99 with ten bars
Formation of Symbols 10 - 90 with ten boards
Combination of Quantities and Symbols 10-90 with ten bars and boards
Formation of 11 - 99 with ten bars, unit beads, and ten boards
Teens and Tens - Counting
Linear Counting
Skip Counting
Decimal System Continued
Changing Exercise
Addition with the Golden Beads
Multiplication with the Golden Beads
Subtraction with the Golden Beads
Division with the Golden Beads
The Stamp Game - Introductory Exercise
The Stamp Game - Addition
The Stamp Game - Multiplication
The Stamp Game - Subtraction
The Stamp Game - Division
Exploration and Memorization of Tables
Addition Snake Game
Addition Strip Board
Addition Charts 3,4,5, and 6 (blank)
Negative Snake Game
Negative Strip Board
Subtraction Chart 2 and 3 (blank)
Multiplication Bead Bar Layout
Multiplication Board
Multiplication chars 3, 4, and 5 (blank)
Unit Division Board
Division Charts 1 and 2
Passage to Abstraction
The Dot Game
The Small Bead Frame